First Time Attenders

Visiting a church for the first time can be a little scary.  We’ve all been a first time visitor somewhere and we know how it feels.  We’ve created this page to make it a little easier to know what to expect.

What to Wear?
Dress is casual and jeans, slacks, shorts, dresses, t-shirts, polos, jackets and the occasional tie can be seen on church goers on any particular week.  Whether you feel more comfortable dressed formally or casually, we really are a “come as you are” congregation.

Where to Sit?
I know you won’t believe us but…you can sit anywhere.   You won’t be sitting in anyone’s seat no matter where you sit.

How to Get to our Church?
You can get directions to our church service on our directions page here.

What to Expect During the Service?
We’re kind of flexible with our service so each week is a little different but here are some of the things you can expect during a typical worship service:

    • Songs: We use both older traditional hymns from our hymnals and newer contemporary praise songs  led by our praise team.
    • Children’s Message: Most weeks during our service, we have a short children’s sermon or children’s object lesson.  After the short lesson, children return to their seats to sit with their parents.
    • The Sermon:  A sermon or speaker each week about 20 minutes long.
    • Nursery: First, let me say that children always welcome in our worship services.  However, if you would like a place to retreat with a young child, you are welcome to use our nursery adjacent to the sanctuary.  There is a speaker in the nursery so you can hear the service.
    • Offering:  We don’t take up a regular offering during our worship service, but have an offering plate available in the back of the sanctuary as you enter.  We encourage Biblical tithing and regular giving.  Near the beginning of our service, we have a special mission offering called “Building Up the Temple”  that is designated for a different mission project each quarter.
    • Communion: We have a special communion service 4 times each year during the regular worship service.  We practice “open communion” and welcome all believers in Christ to participate even those who may not be members of our local church.

What to Expect in Sabbath School?
If you didn’t grow up in a Sabbath (Saturday) keeping church, whenever you hear us say “Sabbath School” just think “Sunday School”.   We have our Sabbath school classes at 10:00 am before our worship service each week and classes run about 45 minutes.  Don’t be surprised when you hear a doorbell ring near the end of Sabbath School as a reminder of the time.  There are classes for all ages from preschool through adult.

Wheelchair Accessibility?
Our building is wheelchair accessible and either entrance can be used.

We’d love to have you visit us sometime!