
In addition to weekly Sabbath School & Worship Service, there is always some special activity happening.  On the first Sabbath of each month, we have a Potluck Fellowship Meal following the worship service which is a time to just relax and spend more time with visitors and the people we see each week. Every 2-3 months we have a special family-friendly social activity we call “Family Night”.  We’ve had everything from square dances and costume parties to talent shows, pizza and group Family Feud.  In the summer, we have a great summer camping program for children who have completed grades 2-12 and lots of fun at Vacation Bible School.

As you scroll through the Events posts on this website, you’ll get a feel for the fun, food, friends, family, faith & fellowship our church encourages and supports!

On June 20th, 2021, we hosted our first car show and food truck event! It was so much fun!! Enjoy some of these pictures! (Credit to Lillian for taking most of them!)